Thursday, February 3, 2011

Diablo - A one of a kind classic game (free full version download)

Most gamers today are playing RPG games right? (Well, that applies to online gamers)  With lots of titles to choose from you wont be contented with just playing one. My mindset was to always have my character level-up so high that I can boast it to my friends. But lets backtrack. One of the reasons why RPG games are so popular nowadays is because of Diablo by Blizzard. I remember that I borrowed and installed an original copy from my neighbor (wala pang pirated cd noon) and became addicted to it. The objective of the game is to find evil creatures and to kill them repeatedly. The game itself has some nice graphics considering its old, and you get the basic elements of an RPG genre. There are 3 characters to choose from. A warrior for melee type, a rouge for ranged attacks, and a magic type sorcerer. For the system requirements, as long as your computer was build around 1996 and above standard, then you wont have problems Anyways, its really nice that we look back to the past and appreciate the old times which shaped the future to what it is now. And all I can say is, "Lets kick some demons butt".

Here are the screenshots of the game:

Download it here: (just extract in a folder and run the file named "diablo")

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